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Everyone will be protected 24/7

Automatic doors will be installed in all houses

We do not tolerate, violence and any type of crime. To prevent these we have installed fleets of drones that circulate our entire Utopia securing the citizens and the people. If anything bad is caught, immediately a picture is taken of that person and sent to the police. Also, it shoots a tag to that person’s clothing to be able to track him with a GPS incase they escape again. 


These Drones are shaped in a bird form, to camouflage with the normal birds that fly around. 

To be even more secure in private places, automatic doors will be installed. These doors will have the power to automatically lock and unlock. It can only unlock once it senses using handprint reading when it detects one of the hands that was programmed to that specific door. This will keep intruders out, and will make life easier for families. 

There is also a GPS involved. These are helpful for this type of seciton, because it helps find or shows who the one to blame is. 


1) person will touch the handle to open it

2)in 10 seconds or less, a hand will be sensed and the door will know if he or she should be let it

3)the door knob, scans the hand, and tries to match it to the programmed hands already in the system

4)if none match, it will go red, and do a beep

5) if one matches, it will go green and immidiatly open 

Could not find a real life example.

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